Kitchen Remodel Ideas

Kitchen Remodel Ideas

There are numerous ways to remodel your kitchen. Whether you wish to simply bring your kitchen up to date or give it a whole new look and feel, you have options.

Budget Friendly Kitchen Remodel Ideas

If your kitchen makes you want to scream, but you lack the funds for a complete overhaul, you are not completely out of luck. There are numerous ways to breathe new life into an old, rundown kitchen. The easiest way to improve the appearance of your kitchen is to remove any dated wallpaper. You can also add a fresh coat of paint to brighten up a dull kitchen. Lighter colors also create the appearance of more space.

You can also add a backsplash to one wall and make it a feature of the room. This provides a modern touch without breaking the bank. Another simple fix is to change out the knobs and pulls on your cabinets and drawers to match your style. If you want to drastically change the look of your kitchen, consider painting the cabinets white. This will brighten up the room and provide a completely new look for minimal cost.

Basic Update Kitchen Remodel

If you have the funds to remodel your kitchen, but you plan on selling in the near future, consider updating the space without straying into a specific style. Keeping your kitchen neutral but updated will significantly help with resale value.

Replacing worn laminate countertops with durable granite is always a crowd pleaser. Swapping out white or black appliances with stainless steel is another way to wow potential buyers. A tile or glass backsplash in a neutral or soothing colors (think cool tones) also ramps up the look and feel of your kitchen. In general, stick to a neutral palate; avoid alienating buyers with strong or harsh colors.

Lastly, open up your kitchen to the living area if at all possible. Today’s buyers want to be connected with their families at all times. Being able to prepare meals and talk with family at the same time is a major bonus and adds a lot of value to your home. If your kitchen allows for it, adding in an island is a great idea as well. It adds more prep space and, in some instance, more seating for entertaining.

Country Kitchen Remodel

Country kitchens are becoming increasingly popular for their quaint and clean appearances. White cabinets are a must as are rustic touches. A simple way to add country flair is with rustic pulls and knobs. You can also consider painting your kitchen chairs white and distressing or antiquing them.

If you have a pantry, adding a barn door is a great way to save space (no more swinging door) and it adds to the overall design. Vintage accents also go a long way toward a country kitchen design. Consider hanging school house lights over your island or adding some vintage bar stools to your island.

Other elements that can increase the country feel in your kitchen are white subway tiles for your backsplash and a farm sink. Exposed wooden beams are also a nice touch.

Modern Kitchen Remodel

Modern kitchens are all about a sleek, minimalistic design. All stainless steel appliances are a must. One way to make a major statement is to have an entirely stainless steel island. If this lacks functionality, however, you can also go for entirely white countertops made of granite or quartz.

Your cabinet choices are another area where you can inject a modern feel. High gloss cabinets or glass cabinets are standard in a modern kitchen. If you like the look of glass, but dislike having to keep your cabinet content pristinely organized, you can opt for frosted glass. Another option is to only add glass panels to your upper cabinets.

Modern kitchens also have very simplistic knobs and pulls or none at all depending on your preferred functionality. Be sure to remove any molding on your cabinets as well, as this will compete with the simple, clean lines the modern style demands.

No matter what kind of kitchen remodel you plan to undertake, be sure to properly plan your design first. Call in the professionals and do your research before diving headfirst into this major project.